Monday, December 10, 2007

Just a Spoonful of Cinnamon to Help the Sugar Go Down

Brittany read in a magazine, I'm betting Cosmo, that 1/4 -1/2 tsp. of cinnamon a day will help lower your blood sugar. A quick Google search I did of this seems to confirm it, but it is certainly pushed by people obsessed with alternative health. But Brittany didn't quite get the point. She had baked some cookies tonight to mail to a friend* and eaten a few and felt like this was too much sugar so she wanted to have some cinnamon. So she poured herself a spoon of cinnamon and tried to swallow it. As the accompanying videos a quick search on Google can attest to, this doesn't work very well (and all of those people appear to know that something humorous will follow)! I wish I had been in the kitchen for it, Brittany pouffed cinnamon all over the sink, poured water on her tongue, and then tried to induce vomiting to get rid of the scratchy feeling in her throat. I offered sympathy.

*She made the pre-cut store-bought chocolate-chip cookie dough, and put the hot cookies straight off the pan into the Tupperware she is mailing. Then she couldn't understand why the cookies all got bent and stuck together, when she didn't use a cooling rack or paper-bags to let the cookies cool flat.

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