Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I haven't felt the need to blog about Brittany in a long time, but I figured i would add an anecdote from about a year ago that I tell often.

Through this blog and telephone updates, my parents and siblings had heard of Brittany's escapades, but must had thought I was exaggerating. In July of 2008, my mother and sister came for a visit, and spent time with Brittany while I was at work. One evening my mother was about to cook dinner and Brittany asked her what she was going to make, and my mother replied, "Some steaks I picked up at the grocery store." And Brittany says she s going to make the same, and asks my mom how she was going to cook them. My mom says, "I was thinking of grilling them." Brittany responded with her patented stare, so my mother asks how she was going to cook her steak. Brittany replied, "On a pan, on the stove. I thought you could only grill hamburgers and hotdogs."

But oddly a few weeks before Brittany had accompanied me to a BBQ where my friends made Bulgogi on a charcoal grill.

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